As usual, spoilerphobes beware
After the super surprise ending to The Traitor, I was half expecting things
to pick up where they left off in The
White Room. I was half right as things did pick up, but from Molly O’
Sullivan’s POV.
Despite not really impressing me in
Dark Eyes I, Molly makes a point of correcting that oversight and wins me over
to her side. The companion return is dealt with quite quickly and we are thrown
head first into this medical mystery involving the Viyrans (you remember those
guys?) and the Huntsmen, a group of mercenaries who assist the Viyrans by
kidnapping and killing people.
As with most Viyran stories, the
plot involves yet another one of the Viyrans’ viruses. This one causes the
infected person to continually leap back in time a few seconds-minutes, but at
the cost of becoming an incorporeal entity – a ghost if you would. Not to diss Journey to the Centre of the TARDIS, but
these guys seem more like Time-Zombies than those after images in the TARDIS.
The people infected are dead, so have nothing to lose in their quest for
The cast here are brilliant. They
are interesting. They are malignant and they are fun to listen to. Dr. Herbert
Goring and Master Zachery in particular get special praises as they are two
people I really wish would just drop dead. It pains me to think that there are
people like this in real life. The world is a sick place indeed and not even
Viyrans can save us.
Speaking of the Viyrans, they are
phenomenal in this story, hell-bent on containing the virus and ending up stuck
in a circular paradox at the end of this story which I must admit took me by
surprise. It should’ve been obvious sooner, but I was just so sucked into this
story that I didn’t care. This is the kind of story you want to create: Where
all the clues are just ignored by the captivating script. Kudos to ????.
Second to last, I’m going to talk
about the Doctor and Molly. Unfortunately for the Doctor, Molly outshines him,
but the Doctor in particular gets some awesome scenes including being thrown
down the Black Well (the place where they buried victims of the black plague),
working out the plot at gunpoint and outwitting two Viyrans among others. So
yeah, the Eighth Doctor is a pretty good badass in this story. This story felt
as though it contained the most emotion, which shouldn’t come as a surprise as
the Eight/Molly formula really works. Yeah I know. I’m on-board with O’
Sullivan now. Maybe it was just the Daleks in Part I that kept me from liking
Regarding the underlying arc of this
series, there is very little in this story to do with that. Instead, this tale
feels like an opener, which is weird because The Traitor was the opening story.
Although, by the end of this story, I began to think that the Doctor in The
Traitor was a future version as his demeanor differs quite a bit from the one
depicted here. Can’t wait to find out what’s the sitch between what follows
next and what leads into that.
The White Room not only surpasses The Traitor, but also raises the bar for
the next story really high. Next time I look at Time’s Horizon …
Catch up on the other Dark Eyes 2 reviews on Enigmania here:
The Traitor
Catch up on the other Dark Eyes 2 reviews on Enigmania here:
The Traitor