Your Plot Holes will be answered...
Angel #1: Wait. Stop. Don’t dematerialize. My nose started itching.
Angel #2: Talk about bad timing.
Angel #3: Suck it up Angel #1.
Angel #4: Yeah. We still have 15 years before the lights go out.
Plot holes are little inconsistencies
in stories that tend to be very annoying. The reality is: All writers leave
plot holes in their work or result in plot holes in someone else’s work.
Normally this isn’t intentional. One of the main complaints against Moffat is
the fact that his stories are riddled with “massive” plot holes. As a fan, I
also tend to see a mistake every now and again, but after a little thinking,
those mistakes I thought I saw were actually strokes of Fridge Brilliance.
I am going to unravel some of the
“massive” plot holes in this article. As I am not a magician, I won’t disclose
the answers to all of them, merely the ones I don’t consider plot holes while a
lot of other people do. I will start at the beginning with the episode Blink. For some elements of this
article, I will be incorporating aspects of my Weeping Angel article.
What happened to the four Angels once the light bulbs burned out?
The Angels are free. The lights
will eventually go out or they will drain its electrical energy as the Angels
feed on all kinds of energy and then leave the house. It’s as simple as that.
How did the Angels get hold of the TARDIS key in the first place?
The Doctor has been known to hide
the key on the TARDIS itself, but that answer seems impractical as the Angels
were searching for the TARDIS while they had the key in their possession. The
more logical answer would be that the Angels got the key off the Doctor or
Martha when they were zapped back in time.
How come the images of the Angels in Sally Sparrow’s Weeping Angel
Survival Guide that she gave to the Doctor didn’t become Angels?
Answer: THEY DID! It is very odd
that the Doctor and Martha would suddenly meet four Weeping Angels on Earth
without some kind of explanation as to why they are there in the first place.
The events in Blink form part of a predestination
paradox which is a stable time loop so it isn’t harmful to the Angels. All the
pictures in Sally’s guide become the Angels that trap the Doctor and Martha in
the past. So in a way, the Angels are a paradox of their own making. They
literally made themselves!
So why didn’t the Doctor try to
stop the events from happening?
The logical explanation for this is that the Doctor knew this story was a predestination paradox from the moment Sally handed him the guide and was going through the motions from his respective point of view.
The logical explanation for this is that the Doctor knew this story was a predestination paradox from the moment Sally handed him the guide and was going through the motions from his respective point of view.
The Impossible Astronaut
Why put someone in a spacesuit in order to kill someone else?
The answer can be found in A Good Man Goes to War. The time stamp
lists the date as somewhere in the 52nd century. If River Song was
born here, but regenerated in 1969, then the Silence must have access to time
travel technology. This also explains why she was put in the astronaut
disguise, because according to recorded history, which the Silence read about since
they live more than 3000 years after the fact, the Doctor was killed by someone
wearing an astronaut suit. The whole event forms part of a bootstrap paradox as
the Silence only chose the suit because of what their Intel alleged, yet the
only reason recorded history mentions the suit is because the Silence put River
Song in it in the first place. In layman’s terms, the idea of why River was in
the suit has no point of origin.
Then why need to go to the moon if you already possess time travel
It was never actually stated that
the Silence wanted to travel to outer space. The Doctor merely guessed that. A
theory is that the Silence had another reason for showing humanity how to space
travel. Dorium mentioned that the Silence observe and protect history in a
similar manner as the Time Lords, so this might’ve been their way of preserving
future historical events.
Asylum of the Daleks
How can Skaro be there in the first place when it was blown up in
Remembrance of the Daleks?
Just as The Snowmen is a prequel to a story 40 years ago, the existence of
Skaro is a product of a future episode of Doctor Who in which it is rebuilt or
undestroyed or something like that. Time Travel makes it possible to see the
effect before the cause, so it is very likely that we’ll see the story in which
Skaro is brought back somewhere in the future. This however, could take another
40 years as the prequel-sequel thing with The Great Intelligence took roughly
that long.
Why didn’t Oswin just delete everything the Daleks ever learned instead
of only deleting the Doctor from their minds?
If you re-watch the situation,
you’ll see it was a split-second decision and that a reasonable human being
would have had tunnel vision and only be concentrated on saving the one person
who they believe can rescue them. Plus, if the Daleks are empty, what’s the
point of them being a villain on this show?
How did the TARDIS show up on the Parliament if the Doctor was captured
and brought there by Daleks on their spaceship?
How do you think the Doctor got
to Skaro in the first place? The Daleks have known the Doctor for almost 2000
years. They know about his TARDIS and what it looks like. Its perception filter
would no longer work on them. After his capture, they located it and brought it
Then why did the Daleks just leave the TARDIS on the floor while the
Doctor was away instead of sending it to their labs to be examined or reverse
Logically, this was the intended
plan after the Doctor was destroyed along with the Asylum. Oswin said she wiped
every piece of knowledge the Daleks had of the Doctor, so presumably that would
include knowledge of his TARDIS.
The Angels Take Manhattan
How does knowing your own future fix it?
Think back to Series 6. The Doctor’s death was fixed.
Whether he witnessed it; read it or got it from a fortune cookie – He did not cheat fate. Everything happened the way history recorded it. The “Doctor” was seen on Silencio before an astronaut killed him, exactly as he read it in Let’s Kill Hitler.
Why didn’t the Angels zap the Doctor or River in this story?
The Doctor and River are both
extremely complicated events in time; their relationship even more so. In the
story it is explained that Angels are vulnerable to paradoxes, so digesting
either one of them would be like food poisoning for an Angel.
So then why did the Angels zap the Tenth Doctor back in time in Blink?
Back then the Doctor hadn’t met
River Song yet. They weren’t engaged in a paradoxical relationship. Plus, the
Angels in that story weren’t interested in the Doctor’s potential energy, merely
his TARDIS. Zapping him back 30-40 years ago was just their way of keeping him out
of their scheme.
How is it possible the Angels moved while they were looking at each
other at the end of the Doctor and River ‘run’ scene?
The Angels, as have been shown
before, feed on various sources of energy. This energy, which includes
electrical which is what the light bulbs hanging over the Angels in that scene
is filled with is what the Angels drained off-screen as it would’ve been
tedious to show the audience something they should already know by this point.
Why didn’t the Statue of Liberty attack anyone nor do anything in this
Giant living statue on Main
Street! What else are you going to look at?
How did the Angel zap Rory away in full view of Amy?
Rory was blocking her view of the
angel in that scene. When Amy decided to let the Angel zap her away, she
blocked the Doctor’s view of the Angel. Since River wanted Amy to go, she
presumably just closed her eyes during this event.
Why didn’t the Doctor or River ever think of going back and saving Rory
and Amy? River could’ve used her Vortex Manipulator, couldn’t she?
For this, I will show you what an actual gravestone is meant to look
As you can see, there are two vital pieces of information
lacking, namely the date of birth/death. I will opt to the fact that the lower part
of the gravestone is blocked by the camera, but it is very obvious from the
scene that when Amy thought of this scheme, she and Rory weren’t going to give
the Doctor any clue as to when and where they’d been sent to so it is
reasonable to assume that there is no date of birth/death so there is no way to
link when they were sent back to. For all we know, Amy and Rory were zapped
back a hundred plus years and had already been dead fifty years before the
Doctor ever read the gravestone. Time travel is great, but you first need to
know when you’re going to.
As you can see, most of Moffat’s plot holes are just delayed
explanations or something he considers we should know by now or common sense. I
will however admit there are actual plot holes, not just in his stories, but in
every writer’s stories. Russell T Davies’ stories, especially The Next Doctor, The Waters of Mars and Journey’s
End were riddled with contradictions until Moffat introduced us to the
Cracks in Time. Some believe that the Time War is the begin-all-end-all of
fixing plot holes, so I do not understand why the same logic cannot be applied
to Steven Moffat’s plot holes (those that exist) when he tried to clear up
RTD’s mistakes with his arc, whether intentional or not.
Back to the point, I do not make a habit of analyzing plot
holes as most of the above I get a moment or two after they are revealed and
don’t look like plot holes to me. To this author, the above makes perfect
sense, although the same cannot be said for some of the readers.