Good news to fans of Doctor Who and Big Finish.
The cover for Big Finish's new Frankenstein which is due to be released in September later this year has been published today. As you can see, it is awesome.
Not only that, but the series stars Arthur Darvill (Rory freaking Williams) as the titular Victor Frankenstein and Nick Briggs as Frankenstein's monster. Joining them is Georgia Moffet (Jenny in Doctor Who), Geoffrey Beevers (aka The Master) and Terry Molloy (we know him as Davros).
With such an all-star Doctor Who cast, this series should sell just with the names attached. Not that it needs to. Big Finish has been climbing higher and higher in the value of their productions with every release setting the bar higher and higher regardless if it's Doctor Who, Sherlock or anything else. Frankenstein is a must and I for one can't wait till September.