2015 ends with the Seventh Doctor and Ace
I don't care if it's live, animated or simply just audio, I enjoy it and will continue to spread the word and allow others to feel this enjoyment with updates, reviews, first impressions and so much more. Favorites include Doctor Who, Psych, Fullmetal Alchemist, Suits, Arrow, Fairy Tail, Ghost Hunt, Monk, Charmed, Attack on Titan and so much more! You can read my contributions to @DoctorWhoTV or catch up on what I do by following me on Twitter at @Avatar_Gustaff.
Tuesday, 29 December 2015
Sunday, 27 December 2015
Friday, 18 December 2015
Tuesday, 15 December 2015
Yvonne Hartman isn’t on my Doctor
Who favorites list. In truth, she’s actually on the “other” list. For that
reason alone, this title was the one I was looking forward to the least. Even
less than UNIT: Extinction. But we
all know what happened when I listened to that box set! So could Big Finish do
the unthinkable twice and redeem Yvonne Hartman in my eyes?
Monday, 14 December 2015
The Seventh Doctor Novel Adaptations is one of my favorite Big Finish
ranges. Its the only series in my opinion that does the partnership of
Seven/Benny (and occasionally Ace) true justice. Nothing at all like the
mess that is The New Adventures of Bernice Summerfield. But did Theatre
of War continue the trend started in Love and War, The Highest Science
and most recently, Damaged Goods or did it fall flat like a bad b-movie
Saturday, 12 December 2015
After the universally loved and critically acclaimed Heaven Sent, the
deck against Hell Bent was stacked so high, I couldn’t help but drop my
expectations just to give it a fighting chance. But before I tackle
Hell Bent, I’d just like to take a moment to express my deepest
sympathies to anyone who was unable to recognize I was being facetious
with the “Bad” section for Heaven Sent
last week and that most of my criticisms were little more than jokes
designed to poke fun at nitpickers and were in no way meant to be taken
seriously by any fan. I mean I started the section with a sarcastic
“seriously”. Oh well, now that that’s out of the way; let’s take a look
at what Hell Bent brought to the table that is Series 9.
Friday, 4 December 2015
It’s always a challenge stepping outside of the comfort zone. It’s
often a case of high risk, high reward. You can either crash or burn
quite hard like Sleep No More, or you can come out looking like
the best thing to happen to the world since [insert really cool
advanced gadget]. Unfortunately though, there is absolutely no way to
predict how successful your attempt at creativity is going to be until after the fact.
Friday, 27 November 2015
One fan’s heartache is another’s drunken after-party. That is how I choose to view Face The Raven.
Surprisingly enough, Clara’s demise last week has had the unusual
effect of satisfying both ends of the spectrum of her fanbase. Loyal
Clara lovers wept as the impossible girl came in on a leaf and left with
a raven in a gut wrenching scene, while Clara doubters, dislikers and
angry villagers also managed to enjoy the episode by way of the
particular method in which she left the series. Or rather the events
that led up to it.
Thursday, 26 November 2015
It’s well
documented that I am not UNIT’s biggest fan. Before The Zygon two-parter, I was
no fan of Osgood and even after it, while I grew to like her because of her
character development, Kate and the rest of UNIT still put me on the fence
given how incompetent the latter is. If I had to select a Big Finish title I
was looking forward to least, it would be UNIT: Extinction. I went in with
rather low expectations. I came out of it a changed man!
Sunday, 22 November 2015
The Sixth Doctor and Evelyn meet Charles Darwin on the Galapagos Islands
where an awakening group of Silurians have horrifying plans for mankind.
Friday, 20 November 2015
Sleep No More appears to be Series 9’s version of In The Forest of The Night.
It initially stood out as exemplary for a number of reasons, though it
also faltered because of a number of other reasons, often elements
needed to create the former. While not a flame war starter, it is still
pretty decisive amongst fans. Let’s look at both sides by dissecting the
exciting bits, the sleep bits and the goosebumpy parts in-between.
Thursday, 19 November 2015
For the first time this series, as opposed to stepping back in time,
Torchwood instead fastforwards by visiting Gwen Cooper and Rhys Williams
five years after Miracle Day. Jack is missing, the Committee are at it
again and why exactly is someone who isn’t John Barrowman claiming to be
Captain Jack Harkness?
Wednesday, 18 November 2015
Sunday, 15 November 2015
Friday, 13 November 2015
Thursday, 12 November 2015
Among the numerous Doctor Who spin-offs Big Finish produces, I can honestly declare that the Jago & Litefoot range rank at number one when it comes to this author’s favorites list. But what happens when New Who invades and throws a funny Sontaran into the mix? Hilarity of course!
Wednesday, 11 November 2015
Tuesday, 10 November 2015
Saturday, 31 October 2015
The second installment of the new Torchwood audio series features
Ianto falling to earth on a private spaceflight called the Skypuncher.
On the edge of my seat about whether or not Ianto would make it out
alive here so he can be killed in Children of Earth, I had a listen. What I think? Read on!
Big Finish
presents the next chapter in the life and times of the Eighth Doctor, who is
one of the most developed incarnations of the Doctor. He has gone through so
many story arcs (Charley Pollard, Divergent Universe, Lucie Miller, Dark Eyes)
and so many changes that it’s normal to wonder what else to do with this
Doctor. Big Finish decided to give us Doom Coalition, a series that looks to
set a new bar when it comes to telling Doctor Who stories, regardless of format.
Let’s have a look…
Thursday, 29 October 2015
After Siobhan Redmond did
such an outstanding job taking over the Rani helm from the late Kate O’ Mara,
it was only a matter of before Big Finish revisited the Rani. Only this time,
they decided to take us to the legendary planet we first heard about in The Mark of the Rani. But did the story
live up to standards?
Monday, 26 October 2015
It’s here my
fellow audio aficionados! The moment we’ve all been waiting. The moment Big
Finish announces their plans to incorporate Doctors from the new series into
their range.
Sunday, 25 October 2015
This week sees the Doctor and Clara under water and encountering
ghosts. Admit it: Ghost fish would’ve been cool too. It also happens to
be the first episode of the second two-parter of Series 9. Let’s look at
what elements floated and which sunk.
Our hero is dead…kind of. Clara is in danger…maybe. Time is being
tricked out…sort of. But is this episode a satisfactory conclusion to
the base under siege two-parter? A: Most definitely! Let’s take a look
at the worthy, the unscrupulous and the pop culture-y bits in-between:
During the build-up to The Girl Who Died?, the majority of
hype was about Maisie Williams guest starring on Doctor Who, exciting
and enticing fans of all ages and fans of Game of Thrones alike. But did
this episode live up to said hype? Or did the fans (and the production
team) blow one actress’ guest appearance out of proportion?
Sunday, 27 September 2015
last week’s episode, we had been promised a better second parter to The Magician’s Apprentice. Whatever your
opinion was on that episode, the promise of a better follow-up still had to be
upheld. Let’s dissect if it did, if it didn’t and what remained afterwards.
Spoilers for those yet to have seen the episode.
Friday, 25 September 2015
Wednesday, 16 September 2015
Tuesday, 15 September 2015
50 000 VIEWS!
I may be a little late, but Enigmania has just hit 50 000 page views. You have no idea no blown away my mind is. I mean I had to really study the figure, just to find out if it was real. 50 000 page views is wonderful!
The activity on this site the last couple of days has been high and I like to think I'm giving you something worthwhile to invest your time in. And I want to thank you for that. You are the reason I'm doing this. If you're enjoying what I do, then I don't mind giving you more. It's like a drug. I'm addicted to the high you people give me every time you click on one of my articles. Thank you for your support. I hope to someday make it to 100 000 views, but for now, 50K looks pretty darn good from where I'm sitting.
Thank you for your support. Keep reading and I'll keep 'em comin'!
Saturday, 12 September 2015
Friday, 11 September 2015
Monday, 31 August 2015
Friday, 28 August 2015
Saturday, 15 August 2015
Thursday, 6 August 2015
It's been a long time since I did a random rant, but I feel like I need to do a big one and it's aimed directly at you FUNimation. Like what the f*ck are you waiting for?
Friday, 31 July 2015
Monday, 20 July 2015
Hey guys!
It's a milestone posting today. Thank you so much for all your support. As you can see, Enigmania just passed 40 000 views and I am ecstatic! This is how you start off a Monday and I can tell you that there is a lot more in store this month so don't stay away too long. Once again, I thank you for following this blog. I thank you for (hopefully) enjoying this blog and I hope you'll stick around until at least the 100K mark (aiming high huh?).
Sunday, 19 July 2015
Thank you everyone...
Now, you may have noticed I've been quiet for a while. It's because the last couple of weeks have been very tough for me. I was involved in a car accident (nothing major), but the car had to be written off and the guilt of my parents having to spend so much money buying me a new set of wheels has been awful. It was an accident and nobody's fault, but that doesn't soften the blow by any measure.
Life at work has also been hell as we have a very verbally abusive boss who delights in breaking spirits. He literally took a cup full of coffee and let it fell on the ground just to make a point to the cleaning lady that she as doing a shitty job. It's really bad and with the car thing, not to mention how overall difficult it is to find work, I've been both depressed and uninspired to write anything new. I am mostly over everything. My boss hasn't changed, but I'm trying to not let it get me down.
I've also seen the response to the We Are The Daleks review I did a couple of days. It has been huge. It has been viewed by more people than any of my other Big Finish reviews and I just want to say thank you for your support. It's little things like these that help inspire me to write more because I feel obligated to return the favor. I want to get as many people to enjoy Big Finish as I can and I hope these reviews help those of you who are new or don't possess the luxury to spend fortunes on audio dramas every month.
I've noticed I'm only a couple 100 views away from 40K page views, but I feel I should get this out of the way and tell you all how much I value your support and I hope that this site helps you equally, if not more so in return. Thank you!
Friday, 17 July 2015
Sunday, 21 June 2015
Saturday, 20 June 2015
It was very hard
for me to decide whether or not I should even do this review. In part because
of the regret and disappointment I felt at the end of the previous Doctor Who:
New Adventures of Bernice Summerfield box set. I’m not gonna lie. I was less
enthusiastic about the second volume than I am for another season of Clara
Oswald. So did this second installment fare any better than volume 1?
Oh dear…
Well, it seems we’re
not going to learn our lesson. The exact same thing that plagued the previous
volume is present in this first story in which Benny stumbles upon Sutekh’s
tomb and has to keep the titular mummy from being reborn. This story is
lackluster at best and the only thing I can praise about it is the
characterization of Sutekh and the fact that he is in this story.
The first ten
minutes is just Benny talking to herself in monologue. If only the script would
give her some kind of sidekick to speak to and wouldn’t drag this plot
development out for ten minutes before actually doing so. Unfortunately the
Doctor is locked out of the plot (AGAIN!) by the writer and the eventual
companion we are introduced to is about as one-dimensional as a robot. That’s a
joke only those unfortunate enough to have listened to this story will get.
I take major
offense to the title of this series starting with ‘Doctor who’ but not actually
giving us a proper team up like proper crossovers are supposed to. Has no one
watched say The Avengers, or Flash/Arrow or even Raildex? I understand that
this is the adventures of Bernice Summerfield, but if you’re not going to use
the character of the Doctor properly or at all, why brand it as ‘Doctor Who’?
Why not ‘The New Adventures of Bernice Summerfield…featuring the Doctor’?
This story also
seems to adjust how powerful Sutekh is depending on what the plot needs at the
time. This can get grating as one moment he can think away a space attack fleet
and in the next has trouble moving a couple of rocks. The technobabble in this
tale also reaches ridiculous heights even for technobabble. Nobody really
wanted to explain all the crazy stuff that goes on so if you get a handwaved
explanation, don’t expect it to make much sense.
Rating: 5/10.
Ironically, this
story proves just how well these crossover box sets can work without reducing
one character to sidekick/buffoon status. Benny teams up with Ace McShane as
they search for the Eye of Horus. Justin Richards proves that you can have two main
characters from different corners of the Whoverse work together and treat both
as equal stars.
I will say this:
The flashback sequence at the start which leads to the two characters meeting
up is good! I’m talking Series 6 good. Not the astronaut on the beach bit, but
the montage of Eleventh Doctor exploits before that. This is a pro, as well as
a con as that flashback could’ve easily been a great story on its own.
The Doctor is
even less involved in this story, but Ace is there to pick up the slack. Benny
is worried about Ace’s TARDIS driving skills and has a right to be…Ace has only
had one at the Academy and it didn’t go well that time. Likewise, Benny kissing
up to the TARDIS deserves its own mention. The dialogue in this story is
fantastic and the adventure itself is nothing to sneeze at. This feels a lot
like Indiana Jones meets Relic Hunter inside Doctor Who. Just a
simple adventure with two contrasting, yet very complimenting main characters
who can get the job done. Now why can’t we do the same for the Doctor and Benny
Rating: 8/10.
Now this is I’m
talking about! This right here. The Eye of Horus. This is what I expect from
these boxsets! This series climbs with each adventure and this story is utterly
brilliant. Benny winds up in ancient Egypt and runs into…the Doctor?
Ah Egypt! We
need more Doctor Who stories set in Egypt. It’s a setting with a rich and
exotic environment and great mythos to explore and I would love to actually see
it as opposed to hearing about it. Wouldn’t you? Like Eye of the Scorpion, this is a masterful tale full of conspiracies,
revenge, tragedy, love and lots of drunken Egyptians.
But the biggest
advantage is the fact that it contains the Doctor and he is not under siege or
pushed to the sidelines. He is a prominent figure in the story and he is used
expertly. The Seventh Doctor has always been dark, but some of his actions here
will add another degree of suspicion and disgust for the Doctor’s seventh
persona. It is fantastic to hear Sylvester McCoy add another layer to his Doctor
that at the same time doesn’t interfere with our normal perception of him. And
did I mention prominent role?
This story also
makes good use of Benny, but I mean in how it treats her in respects to the
Doctor. She is justified when she’s right and she’s justified when she’s in the
wrong. While she still feels more prominent than the Doctor, it is lessened to
the degree that I can accept it as the distance between them is very
Hats off to
Sutekh who just hams up every scene he’s in and just goes with it. It is
brilliant listening to Gabriel Woolf recreate Sutekh
in each of these stories. A worthy foe indeed.
However, this
story isn’t perfect. It has two issues. For one thing, the source of the
conflict is created by the most unlikely set of plot conveniences I have ever
encountered. It is staggeringly bad. It’s like the universe wants this to
happen. Screw logic or suspension of disbelief. Secondly, the first and last
scene of this story distracts from the plot and serves literally no purpose at
Rating: 9/10.
The Tears of

And the same
problems that plagued this series at the start is back again. Benny is talking
to herself because the plot can’t wait to split her up from the Doctor and Ace.
The only problem, I don’t know which plot is duller, hers or the TARDIS duo’s.
Benny encounters a cult dedicated to Sutekh and we learn what cults do when
their apocalyptic predictions come true.
What did the
Doctor do to be treated this badly by the narrative? He is the star of this
universe and this story just treats him like a helpless coward, completely
disregarding his personality and tossing him aside for two
thirds of the story. And Ace…oh Ace. She about as involved as the Doctor in
this story. Thinking about it, I can’t recall her doing anything even remotely
useful to the plot. So why are both of them in here? This is the Doctor and Ace
McShane damnit! They deserve better.
And let’s not
get started with Sutekh. Like every other main character that isn’t Benny, he
doesn’t really show up until half the story is finished and even then, he
becomes just another cartoon villain. This is sad people. The plot is paper
thin. The guest characters are awfully unlikeable and uninteresting to listen
to. In fact, this story is so bad; I actually turned it off midway to listen to
The Secret History (absolute cracker
of a story) before coming back the next day to see how everything gets
And it gets
resolved with not one, but TWO incredibly dull and unimaginative Deus Ex Machinas
both in the same five minutes. What a way to sort things out?
Rating: Rating: 2/10.
One point for Lisa Bowerman and one point for the fact this series is finally over. Thank Sutekh!
I am afraid I
cannot recommend this box set. I respect you guys/girls way too much to
recommend you spend 30 pounds on a box set that is only about fifty percent
worth it.
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