After the universally loved and critically acclaimed Heaven Sent, the
deck against Hell Bent was stacked so high, I couldn’t help but drop my
expectations just to give it a fighting chance. But before I tackle
Hell Bent, I’d just like to take a moment to express my deepest
sympathies to anyone who was unable to recognize I was being facetious
with the “Bad” section for Heaven Sent
last week and that most of my criticisms were little more than jokes
designed to poke fun at nitpickers and were in no way meant to be taken
seriously by any fan. I mean I started the section with a sarcastic
“seriously”. Oh well, now that that’s out of the way; let’s take a look
at what Hell Bent brought to the table that is Series 9.
The Good
I’m just going to put the whole first twenty minutes of this story into the category. If Hell Bent
is anything, it’s a work of cinematic beauty. To think it was done by
the people behind some of the most successful movies in America, effects
designed by the biggest hats in Hollywood. The score and the direction
done by… wait what… it’s not?
It’s done by TV people? On a TV budget? Well, then in that case, take
a bow Whovians and marvel at the fantastic CG, direction and
cinematography that is Hell Bent. Doctor Who has come a long
way (not quite 4 billion years) since the shaky Nestene Consciousness of
2005. God bless HD resolution!
TARDIS! In color! Classic TARDIS! In default form dematerializing!
Round things! How peculiar did that scene look with Twelve and Clara in
the control room? Totally spectacular, but just a little bit uncanny…in a
good way!
I guess we now know where that barn scene in Listen took place on. Suck it people! It’s on Gallifrey! Not some orbiting planet! This round goes to us logical thinkers.
And while I was questioning some of his decisions in this episode, I
admit that watching an angry Twelfth Doctor go absolutely wild was
glorious. It’s something I’ve wanted to see since Face the Raven
(with Ashildr on the receiving end), but seeing an unhinged Doctor
here… more of that please! Bonus points for not reducing the Time Lord
Victorious to just a couple of minutes!
The Bad
I mentioned the fantastic twenty minutes of this story right? Well
the rest is a slippery slope, mostly downward in this viewer’s
“If you took everything from him, betrayed him, trapped him, and broke both his hearts…how far might the Doctor go? Returning to Gallifrey, the Doctor faces the Time Lords in a struggle that will take him to the end of time itself. Who is the Hybrid? And what is the Doctor’s confession?”
When I read the synopsis, I genuinely thought Hell Bent was
going to be some kind of Time Lord insurgent clash. The Doctor vs
Rassilon! Fetch a few of the Doctor’s supporters, a few of Rassilon’s
and we got ourselves a good ol’ fashion rumble in the jungle with the
whole of Gallifrey at stake. Rassilon: Namer-of-many-things taking on
the Doctor: The Oncoming Storm! Instead, we put Donald Sumpter on a bus spaceship using only the Doctor’s reputation. You know I’ve never quite understood the dislike for Let’s Kill Hitler
before. Until now. I get it people. I finally understand.
International/planetary war criminals are not meant to be put in
cupboards/spaceships and booted out of the story for the resident
Creator’s Pet. I get it. Hell Bent somehow manages to convert the ten year long story of Gallifrey into a subplot in order to desecrate Clara Oswald’s departure.
Speaking of which, I hate Clara. There, I said it. I hate her. Most
of you already know that though. But I am not above recognizing that her
departure in Face the Raven was extraordinary. “Let me be
brave”. A lot of people don’t comprehend just how satisfying her
departure was. You had a character that split the fandom, much like Rose
and River Song, but somehow Clara’s departure managed to appeal to both
sides. The lovers wept over a beautiful and form-fitting last hurrah,
and the haters celebrated. Hell Bent destroyed that and went out of its way to please only one side, minus the lovers who also believed Clara’s departure in Face The Raven was amazing. This act of betrayal (in my words) leads to another growing issue I’m noticing in Doctor Who: Technicality.
"Should ultimately have been called "Finally Escape The Raven".
Moffat seems to enjoy killing characters off, but only if he can
squeeze an eternity in-between the moment of their death and when they
actually keel over off-screen. Amy and Rory died when the Doctor watched
them get zapped away, but only died of old age some decades later.
River Song was killed and given the gift of the biggest Library in
history to explore as an afterlife until the end of days. Clara Oswald
“technically” still dies, but now she is immortal/indestructible and she
can choose when she dies. She even mentions she has no plans on
returning soon because she’s going “the long way round”. This is
something I personally wish to see change in the future. The whole point
of death is that it’s abrupt and leaves in its wake a hole occupied
with all the regret of things that could never be done. Never fall in
love, never have children, etc. If every character is allowed to
complete their bucket list before they die, it robs the concept of death
of any real meaning.
will admit I saw the interracial regeneration coming ten minutes before
it actually happened. Given that Steven Moffat now has thousands of
Time Lords to play with, this was inevitable. What I didn’t foresee was
just how far we’d drift into political correctness territory. While
interracial regenerations isn’t anything new (Rassilon in the audios is
portrayed by Don Warrington), putting two very socially argued topics in
one regeneration felt shoehorned.
And I don’t care who comes after, but bringing Ken Freaking Bones
back (voice rivals that of the legendary Sir John Hurt) only to
regenerate him… that’s just poor form Doctor Who.
The Cloister Wraiths looked and sounded terrifying. Unfortunately too
much of the plot focused on Clara to allow for any noteworthy
experiences with them, instead reducing them to the Fisher King: Looks
cool and menacing, does absolutely nothing!
The Nerdy
The Doctor is made Lord President of Gallifrey, only to swagger off
in a rackety old TARDIS…where have I heard that before? Oh yes! The
beginning of The Beginning (the audio story people) and the ending of The Five Doctors.
Ever since Series 5, the Cybermen have been present in every twelfth episode of Doctor Who.
Want to know how a Dalek got trapped in the Matrix? The Gallifrey audio Ascension featured a Dalek invasion of the Matrix. Looks like we had some leftovers.
Sorry to burst your bubble people, but Charley Pollard beat Clara
Oswald to the whole “wiping the Doctor’s memory of me” plan. It was just
as tragic in Blue Forgotten Planet.
Blink and you miss it, but Don’t Stop Me Now plays just as the Doctor first enters the diner.
With Hell Bent comes the end of an era, something that is
sure to knock the status quo of Doctor Who fandom and reconfigure it
forever, but not before we join Mr and Ms Doctor for what is promised a
Christmas romp the likes of which is sure to put a smile on any
dejected/disappointed/disillusioned fan’s face… unless of course River’s
appearance is the reason your face looks like that. Tough break.