Tuesday, 5 August 2014


Let's be honest...we all knew this was gonna happen...

We just didn't know when. So when it was revealed that the production team were keeping busy with "other" projects, I'm sure your hearts skipped a beat just as mine did. Attack on Titan is easily one of the most successful anime of all time. But nothing could prepare us for the news released at the 2014 Animagic in Bonn. Producer George Wada visited the Q & A panel and shortly after it was revealed that the series had been renewed for a 2nd season. 
According to Wada, the 2nd season is already in pre-production. That was about all learned. No plot, or airdate - which really doesn't bother me as I have to wait another year for the dub release. If we go by averages, we can expect season 2 around the same time next year (2015 in case you forgot which year it is) with a dub release in earlier 2016.