You guys already know this by now, but I really don't like harem shows. That and sitcoms - and soaps! But every once in a while, something happens in either your mind or to the world around you and you find one particular show you shouldn't like, but love. Inifinite Stratos is like that for me. Call me a hypocrite or call it a guilty pleasure - I don't care! It goes against what I traditionally go for, but I enjoy it so much. But it's also one of those shows where you can't help but think that you're only part of a handful of people who like the show.
For that reason, I didn't have high exceptions for a season 2 or a season 2 being dubbed, but last night it was announced that Infinite Stratos II would be releasing in December. One of my other concerns about it being dubbed stems from a Twitter rumor (I know - I'm stupid that way) that Shannon Emerick and maybe a few others wouldn't be back and either 1) be replaced or 2) the season would not be dubbed past season 1. I'm one of those people who doesn't like changing from established actors (be they voice or otherwise). I was okay with Shakugan No Shana, but there are a few titles that have spoiled themselves for me by replacing the old cast. Emerick plays the ever adorable and french accent cute Charlotte Dunois. Because let's face it: Everything sounds sexier in either French or Italian or in those accents.
Here's looking forward to Christmas!