Thursday, 7 August 2014


Being a Doctor Who fan in August is wonderful. Seriously! This month is jam-packed with Doctors. Past and present. I can't wait. Neither can you I imagine. It's certainly going to be a busy month on this site as well. We've got Tom Baker and Leela in Zygon Hunt, which I must say, sounds like it's going to absolutely fantastic. The third season of FDA has been so already and they're raising the bar each month. 

We've also got the highly anticipated Fifth Doctor Box Set featuring Peter Davison, Janet Fielding, Sarah Sutton AND Matthew Waterhouse who returns to play Adric. The original Fifth Doctor TARDIS crew are back for two adventures. Even though I'm not much of an Adric fan - I liked him alongside Tom Baker's incarnation - I am really looking forward to Iterations of I.

It's been a long wait since Afterlife and I am really looking forward to seeing where Big Finish takes Hex (oops, I mean Hector) this year. The Seventh Doctor trilogy starts with Revenge of the Swarm and given the aftermath of what happened to Hector - which I felt was an awesome send-off - I really hope Big Finish doesn't pull an Amy/Rory S7 return where they're only around for the sake of making up the roster. But that's just me. I have faith!

But what we're all really looking forward to is seeing the debut of Peter Capaldi's Twelfth Doctor on 23 August in Deep Breath. It's been a controversial run so far and the new Doctor doesn't even have a full episode under his belt. Given the script and episode leaks, I think it's more than fair to say that Peter now has the deck a little stacked against him. Hopefully with the BBC screening his first episode as a feature length in cinemas, we can restore the status quo.