Thursday, 3 April 2014


The most badass, craziest group of magi return!

It appears the new season of Fairy Tail will start airing on the 5th of April. For those of you who don't know Fairy Tail, it follows the exploits of "Lucy Heartfilia, a 17-year-old celestial spirit wizard who runs away from home to join the Fairy Tail guild, a rambunctious group of wizards whose members are famous for their overly destructive antics. She is invited into the guild by Natsu Dragneel (flamehead in the picture), a Dragon Slayer wizard from Fairy Tail with the abilities of a dragon, who travels the land of Fiore with his partner Happy, a blue flying cat, along with ice wizard Gray Fullbuster and armored female wizard Erza Scarlet. The five take on various missions together, including the subjugation of illegal "dark" guilds and demons created by the ancient dark wizard Zeref." It's kinda like Harry Potter meets The A-Team.

The return of Fairy Tail is great news for fans of subs. Not so much for me as the English dubbing won't come around for some time. FUNimation is still on episode 108/175 of the original run. Thankfully, that's not what matters. What matters is that since Fairy Tail is so popular, it's only a matter of time before we reach episode 176 and move on to the new series. 

Some might say tune in to the subs, but I prefer not to read my television shows. I'll stay on the slow, narrow and English speaking path if you don't mind.