Doom Coalition 3 is finally here!
2016 has been the year of Big Finish and as someone who has listened to nearly
every title they've put out so far, I can say that excluding Doom Coalition 2,
it has been one mighty year. After the previous box set, I had deep
reservations going into this volume as there was no Mark Bonnar listed in the
casting call, which meant no Eleven. Which also had me wondering how well a box
set can fare if it went from reducing one of the most innovative villains in
recent years to someone's lackey in one volume to excluding them completely in
the next? Let's find out!
Absent Friends
In a lot of ways, Absent Friends feels like DC2's Beachhead: Both are filler openings
which do not move the plot along all that much, but Absent Friends stands out tremendously because it sets out to do a
specific thing and that is to provide character development.
Up until now, Helen Sinclair, as
a character, could be summed up as "woman from 60s who has faced sexism in
workplace". That is the full scope of her character, but Absent Friends takes us further into the
aftermath of DC1 and it does wonders for the character, but most spectacularly,
this story reinvents the tired old "why can't we go back in time to
[insert reason for complaining]" companion storyline and distinguishes
itself from other titles such as Father's
Day by giving us consequences.
I know right? Consequences in
Doctor Who...who would have thought?
I applaud John Dorney for Absent Friends, not just for what he
does for Helen as a character, but also for Liv Chenka. While not as
emotionally driving as Helen's storyline, Absent
Friends also provides us with a bit of backstory for Liv that still manages
to pull at the heartstrings. Even as filler and even without the Eleven, Absent Friends still manages to be a
great opener.
One of the criticisms I will gear
towards this title would be how detached it is from the overall arc and the
fact that it takes seven stories for Helen to be given some character
development. Other than these two, Absent
Friends is proof that you don't need a flashy story in order to be great.
Creativity can be found in simplicity and that is the best description I can
give to this opening story: Creativity in simplicity.
Absent Friends: 9/10. A great
opener which we should have gotten much sooner.
The Eighth Piece
The Doctor, Liv and Helen
undertake three missions in three different timezones. Also worth noting is
that this story and the next one, The
Doomsday Chronometer, sort of feels like a two-parter. In this story, Helen
is side-lined in Rome 2016 while the attention is on the Doctor in 1538 England
where he encounters Thomas Cromwell (yes that one), played brilliantly by John
Sharpnel while Liv learns more about the mysterious Clocksmith in 15th century Prague.
Now if you've been reading my other
reviews, you'll know that I adore River Song. She is fantastic, but she is not
without fault. I am referring specifically to Big Finish's handling of her when
it comes to Classic Doctors. In hindsight, she wasn't really needed in DC2 and
at times felt truly wasted whereas in The
Diary of River Song, the whole "let's meet the Doctor indirectly or
slip around behind his back" really frustrated me even if I understand the
in-universe explanation for this. Thankfully, River Song is NOT wasted in this
story and Big Finish has given her a method of interacting with past Doctors
without messing up the timeline. Sure this idea is not very original and some
might even believe it to be an unimaginative cop-out, but the payoff is well
worth it. One drawback to featuring River Song is that she tends to steal all
her scenes. God bless Alex Kingston. If you are hardcore Liv or Helen fans, you
have been warned.
Even though River steals all her
scenes, it’s the Doctor and Thomas Cromwell that steal the show as their scenes
together are the most stimulating to listen to. Paul McGann and John Sharpnel have
terrific chemistry together and Sharpnel plays Cromwell so well that it
actually made me do some research on the character afterwards. Knowledge is
power and this really boosted my enjoyment of the story on my second listen to
The monsters for this piece are
called the Solvers, half-organic, half-machine puzzle-box like creatures.
Unfortunately they sound more interesting than they are, but they are not bad
additions to the box set. They are however, given all the rich dialogue, the
sharp twist and turns, the weak link in this story.
The Eighth Piece 9/10: The
perfect start to a two-part story that is as mad and zany as you'd expect from
great Doctor Who stories.
The Doomsday Chronometer
Concluding this mini two-parter
is The Doomsday Chronometer and
really on the surface this story feels like a series finale given everything
that happens. It's really easy to forget as you’re listening to it that we
still have one more to go which sort of makes this story feel like the first of
two consecutive series finales. Kudos to John Dorney for that.
And really, let me just say that
John Dorney this year has been on fire, easily writing the cleverest, funniest
and looniest scripts so far.
Now what is the Doomsday Chronometer?
Naturally I can’t tell you, but I can tell you what it’s not! It’s not what you
think it is. It is not some sort of Doctor Who doomsday weapon as the title
seems to imply. It’s much more creative an idea than that.
Moving onto characters, Big
Finish seems to have a thing for throwing River Song and Helen together, but
here it simply feels mad…in a good way. River still makes it seem easy to
outshine Helen in their scenes together, but the writing makes up for it with
some wonderful dialogue for both. Their scenes together really puts you in mind
of The Pandorica Opens and The Big Bang.
The Doctor and Thomas Cromwell
continue to challenge the highlights of this story with their wonderful scenes
together, but it isn’t until Eight meets River Song (as in actually meets her
face to face), that you re-evaluate your definition of “brilliant”. If you
thought Ten/River, Eleven/River or even Twelve/River was gorgeous to behold, just
wait until you get a load of Eight/River, properly chatting, interacting and
being the Doctor and River Song we know and love.
Nothing more than this I’m
afraid. Moving on! Oh but wait… what of the mysterious Clocksmith I hear you
ask? Well spoilers of course.
The Doomsday Chronometer 9/10:
Feels more like a season finale, which is a perfect way of setting up a finale.
The Crucible of Souls
This is perhaps one of the
hardest stories I’ve ever had to review given that it is so easy to spoil. For
this reason, I choose to write this segment of the review comparing this box
set finale to its predecessors and working out if it is an improvement or not.
Short answer…YES!
Most definitely! While not
terrible finales, the previous two Doom Coalition season finales did feel
ordinary or anticlimactic to a certain degree. This story…doesn’t. Not at all. If
you share my feelings towards The Satanic
Mill or The Sonomancer, then this
is the proper, mad, high stakes finale you’ve been waiting for.
My worry that this box set might
dip in quality thanks to there being no Eleven in it? Utterly squashed! Big
Finish has managed to incorporate a villain just as innovative as the Eleven,
give or take two degrees.
River Song feeling unnecessary? Well half this
story is essentially an Eight/River solo adventure so read it and weep. Not
only that, but River feels more needed here than in DC2. It’s not just
fanservice this time, though there is a lot of that also.
My feelings towards Liv and
Helen? Definitely changed. I care more about them than I did previously and I
cannot wait to see where Big Finish takes them next, be it to an early grave or
a happy ending.
I’ve probably not mentioned him a
lot, but by now it shouldn’t need saying: Paul McGann is so good as the Eighth
Doctor that every day without more of him on television is another day of
torture. Whether it’s him with Liv, River or some puzzle box supporting
character, McGann’s performance shines through and lays waste to the others.
The Crucible of Souls 9/10: Bonus
points for the Doctor and River teaming up, but also a few well chosen curse
words at that jaw dropping ending.
To conclude, I went into Doom
Coalition 3 with a lot of reservations and came out with my faith in this
series completely restored. There is no average or good stories in this box
set, only great to near perfect. John Dorney and Matt Fittion do a superb job
penning this third instalment and they are two writers I would really love to
see pen a script for the television series in the near future.
Recommended: Hell yeah!