Ladies and gentlemen, meet Fred! Fred is a new Doctor Who fan. He’s
recently discovered Doctor Who and after watching the whole of Series 9
with Peter Capaldi, he’s decided to embrace the world of Doctor Who. He
wants to go forwards in time with Series 10, backwards with the Classic
Series. He wants to go sideways with Big Finish, up with reading comics
books and back down again with novels. He wants his own Sonic
Screwdriver and he wants some toys (which he’ll just put up on his shelf
to gather dust and not do much with). He wants all of these things, but
he doesn’t quite have the…what do you call it? Oh yes! Money!
Fear not readers, you see Fred is a kind individual. Last week he
helped an undercover billionaire who’d been pretending to be homeless by
giving him his last sticky bread. Afterwards, the billionaire wrote him
a big fat cheque with lots of zeroes so now Fred can dive into Doctor
Who without a care in the world.
Being a Who fan costs at least $585.00 if you buy all nine New Who seasons of Doctor Who.
And after watching nine seasons of Doctor Who, barely sleeping,
bathing or eating, Fred craves more. He needs to see how Doctor Who
started all the way back in 1963. He also has to see the celery Doctor,
the scarf Doctor, the pullover one and all the other past Doctors he’s
heard so much about. He knows there are 156 classic stories of Doctor
Who which range between $13.99 and $16.99 so we’ll budget for $15.49 as a
rough average. That’s $2416.44 for the whole of the Classic Era of
Doctor Who.
Being a Who fan costs at least $3001.44 if you want to have the entire television collection of Doctor Who from William Hartnell all the way up to Peter Capaldi.
Every Doctor Who fan needs a Sonic Screwdriver and the average cost of one of those is $16.50.
But which Sonic Screwdriver?
Might as well grab all three used in the new series and maybe two
different ones from the classic series. That’s $49.50, but Fred’s not
done. T-Shirts aren’t too expensive at $15, might as well buy four. And
we can’t forget the pièce de résistance: Cosplaying as the Doctor! These
outfits are way more expensive at $375.00 so for now one Tenth Doctor
coat is enough.
Fred’s walls are bare given the lack of Doctor Who stuff. He needs
some cheap posters that usually range from $4.00 all the way up to
$46.50. He’ll grab 7 cheap posters and one expensive, officially
signed/limited addition one and call it a day. That’s $74.50 plus the
coat plus the t-shirts plus the Sonic Screwdrivers which gives us a
total of $592.00 in merchandise.
Being a Doctor Who fan costs at least $3001.44 (DVDs) plus $1064.50 (merchandise), equalling $4065.94.
is also something of a reader so if Doctor Who has comic books and
novels, he’ll be up for buying as much as he can since his bank account
balance still looks quite healthy. And as it happens, Doctor Who does
have novels, at least 60 covering the exploits of the Ninth Doctor up to
the Twelfth. On average they only cost about $15.49 so he grabs all of
them. He’ll also buy the audio versions of the novels which are even
cheaper at $9.95. There are like 20 Titan Comics out now featuring the
Tenth, Eleventh and Twelfth Doctor averaging at $12.74 per issue, so
he’ll add them to the cart as well. That’s $1616.20 for the lot.
Being a Doctor Who fan costs at least $3001.44 (DVDs) plus $1064.50 (merchandise), plus $1616.20 (Books, comics, audiobooks) equalling $5682.15.
But where to start? He notices that the Fourth Doctor, Eighth Doctor
and companion chronicle stories which are one hour long each goes for
$8.99 if he downloads them off their website directly. There are more
than 149 stories to listen to so that’s $1339.51.
But he also wants to listen to the Fifth, Sixth and Seventh Doctors
so he scrolls over to the main range, discovering that the first fifty
titles, plus 50 additional short stories each go for $2.99. The other
207 stories which make up the main range go for $12.99 so that’s
$2987.93 for the lot. It’s steep, but Fred can afford it. He’s also a
fan of Torchwood so he orders the six new titles at $7.99 each and even
puts in an order for all eight of the New Who titles Big Finish
announced earlier this year at $20.00 on average each. That makes
apparently the other box sets Big Finish releases are very good and in
just a few days, Fred will have nothing to listen to so he might as well
grab the 18 box sets including Dark Eyes and Doom Coalition at an
average price of $30.00 each. That is $5235.38 for everything. That
should be enough to lull him over for the weekend.
Being a Doctor Who fan costs at least $3001.44 (DVDs) plus $1064.50 (merchandise), plus $1615.20 (Books, comics, audiobooks), plus $5235.38 (Big Finish) equalling $10,757.52.
All seems right in the world until…
A few days later when there are a lot of outraged voices and angry
knocks at Fred’s door, just as he is about to go back to Big Finish to
buy all their other Doctor Who spin-off box sets, having finished the
audio range over the weekend. The angry people outside are debt
collectors and apparently the undercover billionaire Fred helped the
other day wasn’t really a billionaire, or a millionaire, or even held a
job for that matter.
So yeah guys, this article was just to give you an idea of how much
we actually spend on Doctor Who, be it in a year or over several. While
it is extraordinarily unlikely you’re as big a fan as Fred, it is
interesting to note just how much Doctor Who merchandise costs and how
much we give to this show we love.
I, myself only stick to audio dramas and DVDs, but there are a lot of
combinations out there. Are you someone who prefers DVDs and
merchandise, DVDs and books, just comics and books for some reason or do
you just watch Doctor Who whilst still accessorizing from time to time?
Feel free to use the averages I’ve provided (calculated from official
sources) and calculate just how much your collection is worth in Doctor
Who terms.
* Note: If you bought all the Big Finish CDs instead of the downloads, being a Doctor Who fan would cost you about $14,737.89!!!
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