They're back after more than three decades apart.
Tom Baker and Lalla Ward are reunited as the Fourth Doctor and Romana
II. Like most fans, I was delighted to hear that Big Finish was going
to do Four/Romana II/K-9 tales. With the passing of Elizabeth Sladen and
Mary Tamm, the pool of companions left for the Fourth Doctor to travel
with is tiny. Save maybe a couple of Four/Adric adventures, Romana II
and Leela are all that’s left. For the month of January, Big Finish has
given us The Romance of Crime and The English Way of Death. Let’s see how things turned out:
The Romance of Crime
The Romance of Crime is set on a futuristic prison with the Doctor and Romana going up against Xias, a being whose only desire is… murder.
The first tale, arguably, feels a bit like Destination Nerva in that Nerva was Tom’s first Big Finish story, but was an overall poor re-introduction to the character. The Romance of Crime
features lots of twists and turns and the pacing is top notch. As
usual, Tom Baker dominates the script, but it’s Lalla Ward that draws
the short end of the stick. As a huge fan of the Gallifrey
audio series, I know Lalla Ward is more than capable of delivering a
stellar performance and she does so in this, managing to duck one of my
initial concerns that Romana II would be portrayed more along the lines
of the Gallifrey-Romana instead of the Doctory Romana that travelled in
the TARDIS. Lalla manages to expertly tap into the difference and revert
back to the Classic Era Romana. Unfortunately it’s the script that
fails her.
As I mentioned, this is a great story with lots of twists. It’s just
not a very good story for re-introducing Romana II. You see she doesn’t
really do much until about halfway through the story, instead being
reduced to following the Doctor around and making a couple of snarky
comments at him. When she does get to do something, she becomes
something of a determinator/damsel in distress amalgamation for the
Doctor to rescue.
Another negative aspect of The Romance of Crime is the
character of Frank Spiggot, the Guide of the Week who serves as the
Doctor and Romana liaison for this story. Frank is probably the weakest
element of the whole story and it’s mostly because of some running gag
(that isn’t funny) about his wife and children. This gag grew old in a
flash, yet the narrative still never allowed a chance to do it slip
through the fingers.
The Romance of Crime also marks the first appearance of the Ogrons in Big Finish who haven’t been seen/heard since the 1973 serial Frontier in Space. Since I haven’t seen Frontier yet and Day of the Daleks
isn’t one of my ‘let’s go watch this again and again’ titles, I was
worried that their presence in this tale would hurt the story.
Fortunately it didn’t. Their lack of intelligence, gullibility and
overall uselessness is played up mostly for comic relief which works
well given how dark the overall tale is. It helps balance the darker
tones contained within the story.
Rating: The Romance of Crime: 7/10. A nice
enough story that succeeds in almost every area except showcasing just
how much we need Romana II travelling in the TARDIS.
The English Way of Death
First things first, the issue with Romana not having a lot to do is
completely wiped clean here. In fact, not only does she start the
‘investigation’, but for the most part, she is taking point on it. That
isn’t to say the Doctor is wasted. He is afforded just as much time to
do his thing and The English Way of Death treats both characters equally. That’s more like it. It is Doctor Who after all, but don’t include such an awesome character like Romana and not give her something brilliant to get up to.
The plot for this tale is also more or less on par with its
predecessor when it comes to narrative complexity. It does feature less
comedic moments and is overall more serious, but suffers from padding in
several places. The villain for this piece is also vastly more
interesting, not to mention more entertaining than Xias was, giving us
more depth and making the character feel more rounded than Xias’ generic
xenophobic rants and ravings.
The supporting cast for The English Way of Death also
manages to be more entertaining and developed, even though they rely on
certain ‘old English-y’ tropes and stereotypes. In fact, this story
feels very The Auntie Matter in tone and dialogue and even borrows a few plot ideas from said story. Or is it the other way around given Death was actually written first? Anyway, the similarities are there, but it’s not enough to put you off this story.
However…yes this review has one of those…
For whatever reason, Lalla Ward gives a very overacted performance in
several parts of the story when she’s meant to be grieving or upset.
She isn’t hamming things up, but her exaggeration of dialogue reaches
the degree of being very grating to listeners who are used to so much
better from her.
I haven’t touched upon it, but John Leeson as the delightfully cute
K-9 is nothing short of beautiful to listen to. Gareth Roberts nails his
character and even improves on the original model, giving us an
unusually snarky K-9 who is capable of predicting the exact time the
Doctor will 1) get into trouble after leaving the TARDIS and 2) require
the robot dog’s help. If there is a comedic element in The English Way of Death, it’s the ever lovable do-anything dog.
In conclusion, let me confess that I haven’t read the novelized versions of The Romance of Crime or The English Way of Death, but if they do follow the pattern set by Love and War and The Highest Science,
then it’s probably safe to assume that it’s an accurate adaption of the
source material. This is a bit of a shame as sometimes it is necessary
to change bits and pieces of the original to make the audio product more
enjoyable. There are a few parts of this box set that could’ve
benefitted from the Big Finish touch.
Rating: The English Way of Death: 7.5/10.
Superior in many ways to the first tale, but still just an average tale
with several above average elements thrown into the mix for good
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