Hi guys! Hope you're all having a great time. Except if you're busy murdering someone. In that case, I hope you're having a really bad go at it. I know posts on here have been a bit slow. There is a reason for that. Overtime at work and exhaustion at home have prevented me from entertaining you lot. Fear not! I am now on holiday till the 5th of January and there is a lot happening (or that has happened) that I plan to share with you.
First off, regarding Big Finish, I have a spoiler-free review in the works for Masters of Earth, The Rani Elite and The Highest Science. Be patient on that front. I'm not sure about the Christmas Special of Doctor Who as my feelings this year have been less than the level of enjoyment I'm used to. Clara being the reason, not the new Doctor, but we'll see.
I am really looking forward to watching The Ambition of Oda Nobuna which will be released later this month so expect thoughts on that. I've turned in to Coppelion so there might be a First Impressions on that and Sword Art Online Extra Edition arrives just before Christmas. Really looking forward to that dub also.
I will not be sharing my thoughts about Dog & Scissors as I watched one episode and thought it wouldn't even be worth talking about it to you guys. Dub or sub, it's rubbish so I'm not going to bother.
Lastly, which should've actually been first, I will be reviewing Patema Inverted as I absolutely loved that film and really want to convince you guys to see it as well.
Stay tuned!