Friday 31 July 2015


The penultimate episode of the fourth season of the FDAs is here.  

Monday 20 July 2015


Hey guys!

It's a milestone posting today. Thank you so much for all your support. As you can see, Enigmania just passed 40 000 views and I am ecstatic! This is how you start off a Monday and I can tell you that there is a lot more in store this month so don't stay away too long. Once again, I thank you for following this blog. I thank you for (hopefully) enjoying this blog and I hope you'll stick around until at least the 100K mark (aiming high huh?).

Sunday 19 July 2015


Thank you everyone...

Now, you may have noticed I've been quiet for a while. It's because the last couple of weeks have been very tough for me. I was involved in a car accident (nothing major), but the car had to be written off and the guilt of my parents having to spend so much money buying me a new set of wheels has been awful. It was an accident and nobody's fault, but that doesn't soften the blow by any measure.

Life at work has also been hell as we have a very verbally abusive boss who delights in breaking spirits. He literally took a cup full of coffee and let it fell on the ground just to make a point to the cleaning lady that she as doing a shitty job. It's really bad and with the car thing, not to mention how overall difficult it is to find work, I've been both depressed and uninspired to write anything new. I am mostly over everything. My boss hasn't changed, but I'm trying to not let it get me down.

I've also seen the response to the We Are The Daleks review I did a couple of days. It has been huge. It has been viewed by more people than any of my other Big Finish reviews and I just want to say thank you for your support. It's little things like these that help inspire me to write more because I feel obligated to return the favor. I want to get as many people to enjoy Big Finish as I can and I hope these reviews help those of you who are new or don't possess the luxury to spend fortunes on audio dramas every month.

I've noticed I'm only a couple 100 views away from 40K page views, but I feel I should get this out of the way and tell you all how much I value your support and I hope that this site helps you equally, if not more so in return. Thank you!